Colleen Markley
5 min readMar 16, 2019

How Children Make Their Parents Insane Enough To Believe In Leprechauns *

It’s really just a guessing game and a matter of time until every parent loses their sanity. I was privileged to watch it happen live in front of my own eyes to a mom this week, and then I started wondering when I lost my own sanity, because it’s definitely been gone awhile.

I went to Party City this week, thinking I’d pick up some plates and napkins to create the “Frozen” theme for my Katie’s 8th birthday friends party in four days time. The family party was in six days time and I already had most of that stocked as it required hunting down Simpsons…

Colleen Markley

Award-winning writer. Writing Instructor. (#amquerying a novel about the end of the world where only the women survive).